Cuck?CUCK!cuck! hell yeah fuck no swear filter i am free

This is a paragraph! Here's how you make a link: Definitly Neocities.

Here's how you can make boldඞඞඞඞඞඞ and italicඞඞඞඞ text.

Here's how you can add an image:

Here's how to make a list:


anyways down to buisness




next step

figure out how to make a landing page. I need a banner up top, a cart in the right corner

and a hamburger in the left. in the hamburger needs the above directory

under the banner needs the gallery/shop/contact tabs

below that needs a quick about me and pictures of my cats. or a drawing of a handsome man. or eventually a link to a matching site for books

anyways its 225 am here and idk. im typing this and i dont know if anyone will see it. but if you do, hi.

hello, welcome. you and i are sitting here on other sides of a one sided conversation. Theres a chance this

site never goes live. I mught get fed up and frustrated with it. i might forget about it. i might die. Who know

I dont.

you dont.

these words wont exist forever. We wont either. but you saw this in the limited time you could.

thank you for that. A word spoken but not heard has even less meaning than silence does. you gave these words meaning

thank you

have an amogus

sorry about how big that mario is i cant figure out how to make him smaller